Abell M.L., Braselton J.P.: Differential equations with mathematica
Adler P.M., Thovert J.F.: Franctures and fracture networks
Ockendon J., Howison S., Lacey A., Movchan A.: Applied partial differential equations
Baglivo J.A.: Mathematica laboratories for mathematical statistics
Majka A.J., Bertozzi A.L.: Vorticity and incompressible flow
Schmid P.J., Henningson D.S.: Stability and transition in shear flows
Drazin P.G., Reid W.H.: Hydrodynamic stability
Watson G.N.: A treatise on the theory of bessel functions
Ghoniem N., Walgraef D.: Instabilities and self-organization in materials Vomume I/II
Kuhnau R.: Handbook of complex analysis: geometric function theory Volume I/II